The Raspberry Pi camera has had a software turbo charge allowing video to be recorded at 90 frames per second meaning you can make slow motion videos of fast moving action.

A project to use the picamera python library to generate a timelapse sequence with the Raspberry Pi camera module and control a fan connected to a PiFace Digital to keep a window demisted. 

PiCamera is a python library used to control the Raspberry Pi Camera Module for python 2.7 or python 3.2 and above.

The PiFace digital is a GPIO add-on board for the Raspberry Pi which allows you to connect lights, switches, motors and sensors to be used with program's written with Scratch, Python or C.

A new Raspberry Pi expansion board is available by the designer of the Gertboard called the GertDuino. The GertDuino is a GPIO add-on board  that works like an Ardino-UNO board plus offers extra features.

The Persistence of Vision globe display built with a Raspberry Pi produces a 360 degrees image from rotating LED lights. Producing a great effect such as a holographic looking Star Wars Death Star as well as video and games.

The Gertboard is a GPIO expansion addon card for the Raspberry Pi for connecting and controlling real world devices such as sensors, motors, relays and switches.

Sonic Pi is a programming language created for the Raspebrry Pi to use sound and music to teach programming skills in Schools that is fun and educational.

The RaspiRobot GPIO board kit allows a motor, switches and sensors to be used with the Raspberry Pi

The Pi NoIR is a Raspberry Pi camera module with no Infrared filter for night time and low light photography using an Infrared light. Useful for wildlife research, science projects, night time security or making artistic photo's.

Get started with a Raspberry Pi the easy way.  New out of the Box Software or NOOBS is a utility to make installing Operating Systems for the Raspberry Pi simpler for Raspberry Pi beginners but also can be used as a recovery system useful for more advanced users.